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Weather in the mail box?
 Russian Weatherlore
Up to the present days there exist lots of old Russian superstitious weather believes (otherwise called weatherlore). In former times Russian people trusted them implicitly and believed that they surely come true.
If it`s warm in February, it`ll be cold in March and winter will be long. If it`s cold and dry in February, it`ll be hot in August. Warm weather in February forecasts cold spring. If it is rainy in February, one should expect the same weather in spring and summer; but if it`s dry it forecasts draught.
• FEBRUARY, 1 - The Day of Macarius
If first two days of February are fine, spring will come early; if it snows and weather is nasty, spring will be late and rainy.
• FEBRUARY, 2 - Euphemiy`s Day
If the sun shines at midday, it forecasts early spring coming and rainy summer. If wind is blowing on that day, it predicts wet weather for the year. If snowstorm occurs on that day, such weather is likely to be during Shrovetide and Pancake Day.
• FEBRUARY, 4 - Timothy`s Day
Severe frosts which usually occur on that day are called Timothy`s. Timothy`s frosts mark that the half of winter has passed. If windows and window frames are steamed up in frosty weather, one should expect warming. If the patterns made by the frost on the window-panes are directed upwards, frosty weather is likely to continue; if `frost flowers` are turned aside - thaw is coming.
• FEBRUARY, 6 - Aksinya`s Day
If weather is fine on that day, spring will be early and sunny. If weather is nasty and it snows on that day, spring will be late and rainy.
• FEBRUARY, 7 - The Day of Gregory the Theologian
As people say, what the weather is like on this day shows what the weather will be next winter – from morning till midday – for the first part of the following winter, from midday till evening – for the rest part of the winter.
• FEBRUARY, 10 - Ephraim’s Day
Windy weather on that day forecasts wet summer.
• FEBRUARY, 14 - Trifon`s Day
Starry sky at night forecasts late spring coming.
• FEBRUARY, 15 - The Meeting of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Warm weather on that day forecasts wet and rainy summer. If there`s snowstorm on that day, spring will be cold.
• FEBRUARY, 17 - The Day of Nicholas the Chilling
If there`s much snow, spring will be long.
• FEBRUARY, 23 - Prokhor`s Day
If stars are glittering dimly and seem to be very high in the sky it forecasts: in winter – thaw is coming, in summer – there`ll be rain. Fog in winter forecasts no good.
• FEBRUARY, 24 - Vlass`s Day
Severe frosts on that day are the last winter frosts. If the sky is cloudy, the thaw is coming. Clouds coming from the North forecast no warm.
• FEBRUARY, 27 - Cyril`s Day
Fine weather on that day predicts soon frost coming.
• FEBRUARY, 28 - Onesimus`s Day
The `struggle` between winter and spring is supposed to take place on that day. The `winner` will come forth, and the looser will turn back.

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